Mike's Graduation & BBQ (update)

Mike is graduating from Culinary School on September 12th in Fresno. Then, on Sunday the 14th we will be having a Barbeque in Woodville. I think Mike is going to have to do all the cooking, so you'll want to be there. BBQ starts at 3:00, and I'm sure you'll want to bring your bathing suit and an appetite.
See you then,


Anonymous said...

Mike's graduation party is definitely moving to Sunday, due to a conflict with the Wisconsin game. Hey, we would love everyone who can to be there.

Anonymous said...

Saturday worked for me, so I won't be there. Congrat's Mike

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS MIKE!! C-ya at the graduation bbq. Now make me some chicken!!!!

Meneses said...

what time on sunday??

Anonymous said...

I heard his specialty is the peanut butter and toe jam samwiches!!