Random Question of the Month

So here's a new feature I decided to add to the blog that wouldn't involve any work. Every month we'll post a random question on a random date for everyone to answer. Simple enough right? Some may be down right stupid questions and some might may be rather insightful questions. This month we start out with a middle road question.

If you had to go by a new name what would it be?


Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh, I know the answer to this one! I wanna be known as the other Darrel.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It took me 28 years to get used to this one!!! Can't I keep it???


Anonymous said...

Definitely I would want to be Mark Eugene Gross.

Anonymous said...

I would change my name to The smart Alli.

Anonymous said...

I would change my name to anonymous, that way I would never have to select anything when I left a comment. What can I say? I'm unbelievable lazy.

Meneses said...

Ali is a liar!! her name would be Ashly Winters!

Anonymous said...

Something with a little more pizzazz, like Elliminnopee.

Anonymous said...

no, that's ashley waters!!!! Get it straight!

Anonymous said...

I changed my mind, I want to be Mr. Megan Fox

Anonymous said...

that name would suit you well, Greg ( I mean Mr. Megan Fox)

Anonymous said...

So, Greg wants his name to be Brian Austin Greene?

Anonymous said...

It's a real name, and it's the funniest real name ever!!
click it

Meneses said...

I know some real names I wouldn't want to be. Dick Butkis would be the first one that comes to mind! oh Harry Colon, gotta stay away from that one. Coco Crisp?? I mean Come on. I guess i would have to go with Nacho so i could summon my eagle powers.

aunt_maria said...

Did you know my name is Maria Dolores Guererro Meneses Favereaux? Really! When I was growing up mom and dad referred to me as "Lolly". But I got over that. Now family and friends just refer to me by my Jedi name, Favma Gisha.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

I think Aunt Maria officially has the longest name in the family. You should have a jersey made with the whole thing on it.

Meneses said...

yes and be sure to add favma gisha to the end of that!!