Totally not Random Question

Thanksgiving is next Thursday, and that means it's time to think about what we are thankful for. Everyone is invited to answer something that they are thankful for this year. I hope that everyone throughout the family has a nice thanksgiving and remembers that in spite of anything and everything that may be wrong in this world, there is always something to be thankful for.


Anonymous said...

i am thankful that heather has stopped beating me with the beer bottles. i can actually go outside with out my sunglass at night..

Anonymous said...

does that mean we might actually get to see you anytime soon?

Anonymous said...

I saw Dave just the other day and he was looking GEE-double O-Dee. And he brought me tacos so I was glad to see him and Doug.
As far as something I'm thankful for; my children are a pain sometimes, but healthy and otherwise good. And I'm thankful for Brett Favre.

Anonymous said...

For me the last twelve months have not been a vacation in Maui (except for the week in Maui), and it seems like I have been rolling nothing but ones against red sixes, nevertheless, I can report that I have more to be thankful for than anyone I know. I still have a good job to complain about. I have the best family in the country--including a bunch of silly grandkids that make me laugh all the time. I have Connie, who always makes me feel loved. And.....lots of good riding weather!

Anonymous said...

We are thankful that Officer Scraps is incarcerated.

Anonymous said...

This year has been tough in many ways, but Mark's right, there is always something to be thankful for. I think that as I get older it's easier to appreciate the good things, anyway, I hope that's a quality I'm attaining.
I'm thankful for so many things...we had a great camping trip with my family, a year full of good memories. My children are growing and give me more reasons to love them everyday. I have a fulfilling marriage, and a husband who makes me laugh, and laughs at my jokes too. I'm thankful for my brothers and sisters because they understand me. I'm thankful for my parents who have shown me unconditional love and what it really means my whole life. I'm thankful for my faith, because it sustains me. And I'm thankful for the Meneses spot and the family it represents who I love. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Koontz fam said...

I'm thankful that Jim hasn't taken away my ATM card even though I quit another job. I'm thankful that Everett got a great and patient Kindergarten teacher - because patience has never been my virtue. And I'm thankful to have parents who spoil my kids and let Jim and I get away for dinner without them every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that I am still breathing and that I have an awesome job at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines. I am thankful that you are all my family members and I love you all so much, you guys make my life worth living. I am thankful that I get to put on my yellow banana suit and dance around in my room. The dance that I do is similar to the rain dance, but it is the banana dance and I pray for bananas to fall down from the sky. Mostly, I am just thankful.

Anonymous said...

Well, it is almost the end of this Thanksgiving day and I also have many things for which to give thanks. I am thankful for each and everyone of my family. I am thankful for the laughter and the rolling of the eyes that always brings me back to myself. I am thankful for Larry and Liz and the wonderful time we had in Hawaii. I am truly thankful that I have learned not to sweat the small stuff. But even more importantly, I have learned that most of it is small stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this is late(I got stuck with the Wise and Glorious Ali posting, and just now noticed life had moved on). But, I really do want to take advantage of the opportunity to speak up. I am also thankful for this unique, gifted, and loving family God has so graciously deemed to be the perfect match for me. Which means you all get stuck with me too. Kidding aside I love each and every one of you. I know we are not perfect, but on the whole we are "good" people. Who can ask for anything more?