Anyone Interested

Last year one of the biggest stories in the valley, if not in all of sports, was the Fresno State Baseball team. A lot of us watched every game of the college world series on tv or internet, and were amazed that they just kept winning. I thought it would be cool to make it out to opening day this year. Personally, I've never been to a college baseball game, and was wondering if anyone else was interested.

Ticket info


Golf Tournament

If any one is interested, our church is having a golf touranment. There will be prizes, I have no idea what they are though. The touranment is Saturday February 7, at Buena Vista (west of Bakersfield). Tickets are $50 per golfer.

Let me know if you are interested.

Jim Koontz

Random Question of the Month?

If you could pick the random question of the month, what would it be and how would you answer?

Connor's Christmas Special

Here's a little clip that Alli sent from Connor's Christmas program.
Thanks for sending in the video.