Random Question of the Month?

If you could pick the random question of the month, what would it be and how would you answer?


Anonymous said...

What is the best Movie of all time?

Killer Klowns from Space!

Anonymous said...

What is the craziest thing you have ever dipped in chocolate?

Anonymous said...

Does it count if you only poured chocolate on it?

Anonymous said...

Q. what is the worst random question ever?

A. the one Alli just asked.

Q2. What would have been a better question?

A2. Why haven't we started using glow in the dark tires?

AA2. I don't know, black tires are rediculously impractical.

Anonymous said...

Who is the most bitter blogger out there?

Mark! So jealous of my random question!!!!

Anonymous said...

so how was Killer Klowns anyway??

Anonymous said...

What is the purpose of Random Question of the Month?

I don't know.

Anonymous said...

I partially agree with anonymous, however, I believe Mark intended for family members to submit creative, possibly revealing remarks, so that we may know each other and appreciate each other just a bit more.

Anonymous said...

Wait, my answer got skipped. What I said was that the purpose of the Random Question of the Month was to generate interest in this blog.

Anonymous said...

Okay, sorry about jumping the gun and agreeing with you before your answer got published. Do you agree that this repartee is creative and possibly revealing?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

some answers were not meant to be revealed

Anonymous said...

I think this is the longest comments list to a random question. Wether you like it or not, you have to admit it's controversial enough to generate at least some discussion. Even though one comment is "Yes."

Anonymous said...

My question would be;
What role does quantum physics play in keeping the earth in the sun's orbit?

I haven't found the answer yet. I should read 'A Brief History of the Universe'...

Anonymous said...

Quantum Physics doesn't play any known role in the orbit of the the earth around the sun. Quantum Physics currently only plays practical roles on the sub-atomic level. You can use classical physics (ie Newton's theory of gravity)to simply explain it, or if you want to get more in depth info, study Einstein and Rosen's theory's of relativity

Anonymous said...

Samuel Jackson knows a lot about roles. Has anyone seen the amazing job he did in Snakes on a Plane?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I saw that movie. I can't understand why no Oscars were awarded. Many critics underappreciated the role played by the gigantic rubber anaconda, but when, really, have you ever seen better human devouring by any reptile?

Anonymous said...

You again? Are you kidding? The gigantic rubber anaconda sucked! The cobra was way better. And to answer your question, the gigantic rubber reptiles in Jurassic Park consumed humans with much more gusto.

Anonymous said...

wasn't Godzilla a reptile?!!

Anonymous said...

Ali is a reptile, she eats her food whole

Meneses said...

My random question would have to be... if you had to eat the same thing everyday what would it be....my answer is tortillas and eggs boring i know


Anonymous said...

here are my answers: mr. smith goes to washington; dr. pepper; no idea about QP; and pizza.

you know this post is going to make it so much harder to come up with next months random question

Anonymous said...

next months random question should be
"Will you be my Valentine?"

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that my random question has generated so many responses, and just to clarify, just because I eat my food whole does not mean I'm a reptile. Ok. Here are my answers, Fight Club, deviled egg, fun, don't know, and jamba juice. It's delicious and I almost do have it every day

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of "Snakes on a Plane" was when the pit viper ate the trouser snake!

Anonymous said...

Q: Am I adopted?

A: Hopefully

Anonymous said...

I thought the bathroom snake was just waaaay to predictable. I think Quantum Physics only played a small role in Return of the King. Yeah that part with the big explosion when Frodo tossed the ring in the fire. My question would be what was the craziest thing you ever saw anyone eat?

Anonymous said...

Frodo didn't toss the ring into the fire! His finger got bitten off and....well you know the story

Anonymous said...

... Frodo gets run over by a tractor driven by a troll. That's how my bootleg dvd ends anyway

Anonymous said...

How do you like your marshmallows?

Anonymous said...

I can't handle the randomness!!! We need a real random question.

Anonymous said...

I think Alli should be banned from asking future random questions. She has tainted the entire process.

Anonymous said...

I once saw a copperhead eat a marshmellow

Meneses said...

lafcadio....now theres a great character from classic american fiction!!!.....or would that be african fiction?