Not So Random Question of the Month

This one is a two-parter since the timing is a little late.

1. What are you doing for Mothers' Day?
2. Do you have any big summer plans?


Anonymous said...

1. Rushing around like crazy, because elias is working nights.

2. Does work count? Elias used up all his vacation on the wedding/honeymoon, so nothing exciting for us for the rest if the year

Alli said...

1. going to Caro's for lunch, and then us moms are gonna hit the shops!

2. trying to plan a camping trip, that's about it

mark said...

I'm working on Mother's Day, sorry mom!
I'm planning to catch at least 1 fish this summer or at least watching Paxton catch a fish.

Anonymous said...

We're gonna feed the kids and hubby's and then ditch them all for a real M day treat (ha!). For summer plans - probaby do what we've done each year since kids find a cool place to put up a tent.

Meneses said...

One thing for this summer we are going to continue our tradition of a not so legal fireworks bonanza. so if you find yourself in woodville on fourth of july look towards the west for an awsome show.

dug the bug

Anonymous said...

traveshamockery!!!! I just googled woodville mike smith and I found a web page dedicated to a false prophet calling himself woodville mike smith?!?!?! Boo! Boo! I say Boo!

guest said...

what the helicopter???