The Tribute

I had to share the link to the inspiration of the sweetest moves ever seen in a garage on top of a Ranchero ever!!

New Post / Open Thread

Seeing all the Michael Jackson coverage today, got me thinking about some childhood memories. I wish we had video of ourselves from those times doing his dance moves. . . Actually I'm very glad we don't have any video from those days.

Beside that point, I just wanted to use this space to let people put out any updates that they may want to share. Summer time seems like sometimes it can drag on with no end, or that you have way too much going on. In either case, it would be good to hear from folks out there.


Connor and Paxton enjoyed a good road trip with Grandpa Darrel and Uncles Mike and Mark.

Paxton's Birthday

Well Paxton turned four big years old this past weekend and we went to Disneyland! He may not appear to be all that excited right here, but that's only because we told him that Goofy wouldn't give his shirt to Grandpa Darrel. And can you believe we didn't find a single Paxton keychain in the entire park?

Plenty more pictures at facebook

Connor Fishing

Connor had a real fishing adventure the other day with Mike and Darrel. He did land a fish and managed to hold onto his pole throughout his journey. Way to go bud! I'm also posting a few extra pics to the fishing album.

Camping Pictures - Doug/Nate

Here are a few pictures of our camping trip mark. It was pretty fun, were all going to have to plan a huge trip open to everyone who wants to go camp and fish.


Okay, so Caroline already asked in the tagboard but I thought we should just have a post here so people can leave comments and what not. I know that Megan and Quartnie are graduating this June, anyone else? Feel free to share pictures here, that would be great.