The Early Random Question of the Month

What is your favorite (personal or shared) hobby or activity?


doug said...

My favorite hobbys include hunting and fishing. watching sports with family and friends and BBQ. Im a boring avg guy i guess ha

mark said...

I would have to say mine is fishing. I'm also still into baseball cards. I bought Paxton a binder for his, so he's starting to learn the different teams.

greg said...

beating nate in tecmo... I own that guy!

The Nate said...

haha i see gregs favorite hobby is dreaming!

Meneses said...

Greg your favorite hobby is hanging from the cliffs of death for dear life (only by your finger tips) a hundred feet above the jagged ocean floor at los osos. My favorite hobby is hiding in the bushes so i dont have to explain to the people walking by that theres a person below close to DEATH! GOOO MUTANT WAVE!

The Nate said...

Oh and my soon to be favorite hobby is going to be Scuba Diving! I'm about to start my certification classes! WHOOOOOOOS COOOMING WITH MEEEE, WHOOOOOOS COOOMING WITH MEEEE! I decided i should clarify that the comment above was a jerry maguire reference since Laura didn't get it! But for now though I would have to say camping and fishing with my family and friends.

david grimsly said...

I along with the rest of the family love the outdoor stuff.. but i would have to say my new faveriote hobby is photography. i have recently been taking family picture of heathers and my family, also i have some friends of heathers wanting family portriats along with scotts family. i did a huge picture of my moms grandchildren thats hanging at her house. i have really enjoyed taking photos.....

caroline said...

My very favorite hobby is planning vactions. A close second is camping and being up in the mountains. And a couple times a month I let my kids entertain themselves to indulge in a non-stop reading. We have also been teaching the boys how to ride their bicycles and I've even been taking Blackstone out with me on the bike and finally - I am loving all these fun art events in Visalia. Yes, I know it is a long list, but I did major in Recreation.

caroline said...

Hiking, although shooting stuff never gets old.

Anonymous said...

What!!! You peope have time for hobbies??? Mine including cleaning, cooking, laundry, and ironing :0)

aunt_maria said...

There are so many things I enjoy doing, but find time to do very little. I am going to take a photography class next month. Henleys (downtown bakersfield) is offering a class where you get the basics. You know taking your camera off the green square. Anyways, its one night a week for 3 weeks. Anysone interested should check it out.

david said...

hey maria i am intersted in your class. can you send me some info?

caroline said...

The second "Caroline" post is from Jim - I would never put shooting down as a hobby.

Anonymous said...

No wonder the second Caroline seemed so much cooler than the first Caroline