I thought it would be fun to put this back on the front page, it was originally posted in June. I think Nate put it up.

Are you ready for some football? The new season is about to start so lets here some predictions! who's going to win the AFC? Who's going to win the NFC? Who's making the playoffs? Who's going to the Super Bowl? Who's winning the Super Bowl? Where is Plaxico going to play? Where's Vick going? Is Favre going to the Vikings? Let us know what you think is going to happen this year and when it's all done well come back to see who's predictions were the best!!


Issac Elias said...

Didn't basketball season just end? Sorry, Elias has been crazy about sports this last year and the surround sound doesn't help.

mark said...

This is extra early, it's not even the baseball all star break yet, but who cares? I'll throw out a few crazy predictions. AFC will be won by the Patriots. The NFC, Vikings. Vikes win the super bowl with Favre throwing the winning touchdown to Bernard Berrian. Vick goes to the Cowboys and they win their division.

Meneses said...

Alright!!! So, football sundays at Elias and susans!!!!! It's never to early for football guys! :) Doug you better not say 49ers will win their division.

Anonymous said...

Whoever posted this question is certainly not a Dodger fan. How can anyone want to watch foosball when the good guys are in first?

also Anonymous said...

Probably some miserable Giant fan. But like Mark says "Who Cares"? Make some predictions, idiot!

Anonymous said...

Okay. Farve will go to the Vikings, but after three Sundays he will retire. Vick will go to the Raiders, and they will win more games than they did last year. Alright now, it's your turn.

also anonymous said...

Well, I think the Super Bowl will feature a rematch between the Jets and the Colts. They will both get in there via the wild card route. Jets 38...Colts 14

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

as much as I would love to see a rematch of super bowl III, it can't possibly happen again. Well maybe in the AFC championship, and that would be cool. In that case I would go with same score and the Jets going to the super bowl against the vikings.

Dave said...

Vick to the niners farve to min. The steelers win the afc and lose to the bears in the superbowl!!!!!!

Mr Hockeypants said...

here ya go

Cardinals Chargers
Vikings Steelers
Falcons Texans!!!
Eagles Patriots

This will be the first year where both superbowl teams will have undefeated records going into the game- The game will end in a tie
there will be 2 MVP's one for each team. For the Vikes it will be Brett Favre clone (The Brett Favre that has been in the NFL the past 5 seasons is a clone, it will be revealed in week 10 by the Patriots) For the Patriots it will be Cyber B0 Jack5on, who will join the team in week 9 and be allowed to keep him despite protests due to revealing the current Brett Favre is a clone.

mark said...

If they're going to start cloning players, they should start with Joe Montana. Even if they cloned the 40 year old version, the Niners would be 100 times better off than with Bobby Hill

doug said...

Oh I am going to say niners win thier division!

I got niners -
Vikings(with farve) sorrydave
Miami (with Vick)
I know some are wild but thats what i got!

doug said...

I cant wait for football season...even college!!! USC taking it all!!!! stupid BSC

david said...

doug the only smart thing you said in the two of your blogs is that USC is taking it all.



Sports Yea said...

BOO Sports Yuck! Hooray Foosball!

Anonymous said...

Vick would be awesome in Miami but I see him playing for the Raiders, Al Davis doesn't care about dogs or Dallas if Romo gets hurt. AFC Colts and NFC Cowboys although I am biased

Jim Mora said...

did you just say colts in the playoffs?! Are you kidding me? Playoffs?? You're talking about playoffs?? Playoffs??!!

Dennis green said...

I think the bears will win their division and push towards the superbowl, but if you want to crown them champions then crown them! We knew who they are!! They are who we thought they are and we let them off the hook! They are who we thought they are!!!!!

Bill Parcells said...

... what am I? A Tuna?

Bob knight said...

Has anyone seen my chair??

jeff van gundy said...

What nice strong legs you have