Congratulations Greg!

Congratulations Greg Favereaux on winning your 15th Tennis Championship! See those grueling Tennis Matches we played in our backyard during the "Grimsley, Smith, Favereaux Olympics" really paid off for you!


The Nate said...

See Greg, the Wimbledon Grass is nothing compared to the trecherous grass of the Grimsley Center Court!

Gregeriffic said...

I have to admit that Wimbledon was nothing compared to the Grimsley Court. At Wimbledon they don't even have one gopher hole. It's not even a challenge-- I have to admit all my success in life started with the Meneses Olympics!!!

doug said...

ahhh how i miss woodvilledon

Anonymous said...

Whoa, that guy does look like Greg. The cool, good looking, rich, athletic, successful version of Greg.

mark said...

You know training with cinder block nets prepare you so much better than any country club ever could.

aunt maruia said...

Greg, Dad's thinking about replacing the Bret Favre shrines with your trophies. Great Job!!! We are so proud!!

PS, Dad's just thinking about it, he's not actually committed to anything yet. But there is hope...

The Nate said...

Hey Greg do you want me to help you take out Rafeal Nadal? youre 2-5 against him in championships against him! Do you want us to give him the old pinto blanket wrap torture?

greg said...

ah, the unescapalbe pinto... the strongest submission. Rafa is a fine guy- I was just tired when I played-- pulling overnight tecmo season's with Mike.

wiffle ball said...

I say we do the olympics again...the older swollen versions of ourselves hahahaha

greg said...

I'll do the Meneses Olympics only if it is taped and highlights are shown every year on Christmas eve!

Anonymous said...

We were far, far away during the championship, but hope it is not too late to add our congratulations. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, poor Ron, I mean Roddick.

Meneses said...

"I'll do the Meneses Olympics only if it is taped and highlights are shown every year on Christmas eve!"

I'm sure we can arrange that. That is, if there are any highlights.