Caption this


The Nate said...

haha I had a hat just like that one day at grandmas, but i also had a wooden spoon (sword).

The Nate said...

Oh heres my caption: TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!!

The Nate said...

She wasn't lying when she told mommy that the pot was somewhere over the rainbow!

mark said...

ah yes, she did have a wooden spoon that I think may have been a wand?? Then she put the hat on me and tried to take a picure with my phone. It's a good thing she doesn't know how to do that yet.

Anonymous said...

Here's my caption: The aliens can't get my brain daddy.
I think I saw that in a movie once upon a time.

Anonymous said...

brain soup, mmm mmm good

Anonymous said...

This girl looks cute in anything!

Anonymous said...

Staying abreast the latest styles!

doug said...

Bill maze must have sold you that hat

The Tin Man said...

Give me back my hat you mean little girl before i send the lion and the scarecrow after you.

Alli said...

Anna Wintour knows nothing! This is fabulous.