Get the Word Out

BBQ in Woodville, Thursday PM. That's my initial idea for a get together for Arturo.
Any comments, questions, ideas, please let us know here.

**Connie's house. 5:30ish. Bring side dishes and cameras.


aunt maria said...

I think it's a great idea. Potluck for the sides?

mark said...

potluck for sides sounds perfect. Caroline is bringing water and soda.

Issac Elias said...

Where and what time? I'll bring pasta salad.

Anonymous said...

Twill be a jolly good time! Tis a good opportunity when a kin comes all the way from yonder.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone who came to Woodville to celebrate whatever we celebrated, birthdays or Art's journey or Allison's wine.

also anonymous said...

Why do you even bother? Allison gave you up, man!

Anonymous said...

She exposed you too. And we both know it's all your fault.

also anonymous said...

The spelling. That was it, right?

Anonymous said...

That and the originality. You should have just posted comments about cats and Bret Favre like everyone else. Now what are we going to do?

Alli said...

Would you guys just shut up and try, try, try to get a life? Some of us have hangovers, you know!!!

tis mark said...

can I interrupt this anonymous conversation, by saying it was nice to see so many get together tonight. Great to see Art here and hope his time in Taiwan goes well.

the real Alli said...

the food was good, the wine was good and it was great for the family to get together. Let's do it more often guys.
And Anonymous, you need to get out more....

Meneses said...

I"ll be sure to show up if Ali serves the drinks...I think Maria got half the bottle in one glass! I was jelous...You must have bought that glass at fav

aunt maria said...

the glass is kept in a secret vault only to be brought out under special circumstances and to only those worthy.

I was worthy...