Random Question of the Month?

Tell me, what do you see?


aunt maria said...

An x-ray of the pelvic region? Bozo's head? Can I have a clue?

Rorshack said...

A pretty pretty butterfly

Anonymous said...

Looks like Bill Clinton and his twin Will Clinton on the left and right exterior.

darrel said...

I've seen weirder patterns on my face shield.

Meneses said...

that does really look like Clinton with perhaps a puff of a certain kind of smoke?

mark said...

I see a dude with a 'fro jumping away from a smokey explosion.

And yeah, I see two Clintons also.

Meneses said...

that is obviously the face shield of moosamus maximus war god and leader of the most ruthless army ever assembled and known simply as, "THE ORDER OF THE MOOSE"

Anonymous said...

I see Darth Varder and he is saying come to the dark side, Luke Sky walker

Anonymous said...

This has to be one of the silliest random questions yet.

also anonymous said...

Oh yeah?

Anonymous said...

Sure, I mean really. Do you expect to find out any revealing, insightful things about any of us by the comments that family members post about this ink spot, or spill, or whatever it is?

also anonymous said...

You are just scared. You must be hiding something, right?

Anonymous said...

I am NOT!

also anonymous said...

Tell us what you see, then, you big chicken.

Anonymous said...

Don't laugh at me, okay. To tell you the truth, the picture makes me think of........my mother.

also anonymous said...

Ooooh! I'm gonna tell

someone needs help said...

I think the ONE person who just left the last 8 comments which were basically a self conversation should really go see someone who will show them lots of these pictures in order to evaluate and discover what his mental disorder is. :) i dont know what i see from the question of the month picture but in the comments i see one crazy dude!

not anonymous' mom said...

I haven't heard from this guy so I am not his mother!!!!

also anonymous said...

This explains so much! Anonymous was adopted!

doug said...

Looks like the alien from predator with smoke coming out of his ears...oh the wiley governator