Some of the things you may see in Venice Beach

This was one of my favorite sights of Venice beach. An old school ocean fishing pole off the very end of the old wooden pier.
Hippies Everywhere!! This wasnt even a quarter of the size of a massive beach drum circle!

This guy had a full indian feather set of wings (not seen in picture) and was obviously under the influence of some liquid fun!

Just someones beach home front yard. I thought it was pretty cool.

Me and the bush man had a nice cold one together while discussing the intricacies and techniques of the public air guitar


mark said...

cool pics, I still don't know why I've never been to Venice Beach. It seems like a a cool place to visit, put it on my list for next summer.

Anonymous said...

I think the bush guy is really cousin Benny cleverly disguised.

Meneses said...

I think the bushman should walk off into the sunset with the indian drum circle dancer