Certified To Dive the World!

Finally finished my Scuba Diving Course :) The Certification Pose!
Grouped and ready to dive! Thought black and white was kinda cool. Right off the steps already about 35 feet deep.

Into the Blue!

Casino Point! We dive on the other side of the old casino (which is now a museum)

Typical Catalina Sunsets.


darrel said...

Now I really want to go to Catalina!

Nate said...

yeah it was great and i really think you would love it! cheap and easy! The seaport village was really cool!

mark said...

very cool pics Nate, way to change my opinion on places that Cathi wants to go but I never thought I would enjoy.

Meneses said...

shark bait i say

Anonymous said...

I don't know who has to worry about who, the shark or Nate? I mean a sharks a shark but a mexican from Woodville underwater could be a pretty scary sight.