click here to go to D&H photography!

This picture was taken in August
while we were in venture! i really
liked the look of the down town area.
i just finished messing with it in
photoshop. i hope you like it. David G.


mark said...

I am very impressed with this photo along with others you've been doing. Nice job man, I hope you're putting together some kind of portfolio.

darrel said...

Great photos. I really liked your photography website.

doug said...

nice pic....wheres my wine?

caroline said...

i agree the pictures are nice and if your bringing out the wine - I'd like a glass

david said...

i liked this picture so much i enlarged it and am hanging above my little wine rack!

mark said...

hey dave, I added a link to your site on the sidebar to make it easy for people to find your updates.

mike said...

bragging about your wine rack now huh i don't see any invites! But the photography is really cool and that is a pretty nice area, downtown ventura.

Anonymous said...

dave how much are the cameras like yours now?

david said...

I paid around $430 for mine but i bought it at circut city before it closed down. i have seen cameras like mine cost anywhere from 580 to 2000 dollars! the real expensive part is the lenses and accessories.

Anonymous said...

So where are your prices? :)

david said...

I can get paid for this? I am actually working on starting this as a side buisness but have no prices set as of yet.