Not so Random Question of the Month

Here's my advance request for photos. And an easy not-so-random question.

What are you going to be for Halloween??


Sammy Davis said...

I've gotta be me.

Anonymous said...

Oh What else can you be!!!

doug said...

a guy throwing water ballons at trick or treaters.... fun times

david said...

im going to dress up as the guy throwing water ballons at the guy throwing water ballons at trick or treaters............

mark said...

I'll dress up as a tree so that Doug can hide behind me while he is dressed up as the guy throwing water balloons.

Anonymous said...

Oh where is my Darth Vader mask when I need it? I could be a lumberjack, and that's okay. I work all night and I'll sleep all day. Wait, wait, no tree would be safe, but isn't that what Halloween is all about?

Anonymous said...

Mark's going to have to watch out for dogs or he'll a guy dressed up as tree with a yellow trunk

Anonymous said...

these previous comments are all to clever and funny and I just can't compete - all I wanted to write was that I am going to be a Ghost for Halloween, you know the sheet and the two holes for eyes....

incognito said...

As usual, I'm going to be the guy that buys way too much candy for Halloween and has two or three big bags left over.

mark said...

I think I'll go to incognito's house november 1st

aunt maria said...

I think children get bused to my house. Really!!

jealous kid said...

well quit giving away boxes of cupcakes and gold watches and they'll quit sending the buses.

alias said...

incognito....your candy supply was raided today! But the perps were "tow tow torry"

The Nate said...

I'm going to be a character from Marks Monster Mash video! Or a huge octopus.