Happy Thanksgiving Thread

Hey everybody, just in case you wanted to send Thanksgiving holiday wishes, or share what you're thankful for I thought I'd post a little blurb here. I hope you all enjoy your holiday. Eat lots of good food and drive safely. I'm also hoping to get a picture of Susan's pecan pie.
I'm thankful to everyone out there who have kept visiting and sharing here on the Meneses blog for 5 years now. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Alli said...

thank you Mark for creating the blog and for maintaining it for the last five years. You've done a great service for our family

mark said...

you know, sometimes i like to pat myself on the back! In all honesty though, it's the posts and comments from around the family that keep it going. I come back to check the site everyday to see what people have done.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy visiting the blog. It helps keep me up-to-date and I love the pictures. The ones Nathan took of his dive are just an example of the sharing that happens on this site.