Semi-Random Question of the Month

Here it is, last day of the month!  The question will not live up to the anticipation that led up to it, but this is what I came up with.

If you were given an award this year, what award would it be 
and why would you be receiving it?


darrel said...

Unfinished Work Award for 2009! I'll explain why later.

doug said...

I was going to say least work completed!!!!!

mark said...

we have a contested make believe award, this is very unexpected. Can we add a poll to this blog?

The Nate said...

I should recieve the noble peace prize for doing exactly what obahma did to deserve it.....nothing :) Or maybe I should be awarded the chance to run for vice president, due to the fact that I have the exact same credintials as Sarah Palin, necessary to be considered someone who would be capable and deserving of such a powerful position.....NONE. Or maybe I will just settle for being awarded the title of Governor of California! The Schwartz and I were equally qualifed. Awwww nevermind I hate rewards, just give me money!

Rodger Federer said...

I should win an award for looking like Greg Favereaux! Man I am freakin handsome!

Anonymous said...

The Humanitarian and Tolerance Bowl Award. I richly deserve this award because I have not yet killed the television which seems to have a need to show every Bowl Game ever invented and I even have the tolerance to sit through a few moments of some games and cheer on some winners and losers.

mark said...

Bowl season is something to be celebrated, it's perfect preparation for the NFL playoffs. Then you get the Super Bowl and a little time off before March Madness! Make it through all of that and you will in the running for an award! After which you get to watch an entire season of baseball, which is a reward unto itself.

Meneses said...

Well spoken Mark....Bowl season is to be cherished....nate my dad and myself watched as many as you probly could and its almost over....I would probably cry but....NFL playoffs are here to save the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So would the award you get be the most used bottom in the world award, if you are just sitting there washing tv?

MOOSE said...

who "just sits there" watching sports?? I've seen Uncle Jim watch the Niners and he can't sit down at all when they're playing.
It's exercise to sit down, jump up, throw your hands, yell and sit back down. Not to mention all the trips to the kitchen and back. I'm tired just thinking about it