The Not-So-Random Question of the Month

This one is courtesy of Andrea, and is very appropriate for February:
What was your most memorable Valentine's Day and why?
. . .her lovely sister Rachel also sent in a question that isn't quite as appropriate. I'll just say that it involved "pooh", and leave it at that. Thanks for the input and we look forward to seeing your comments.


doug said...

Valentines day is silly!!!!!!!!! haha everyone goes to dinner with thier loved one but if you think about it thats not that special you probably go to dinner with your loved one like once a week!!!! roses what a waist of 50 dollars... I know Im going to get some slack for this but its true! having complained I too will most likely have to participate in this travishamockery...any resteruant suggestions???

Alli said...

chris proposed to me and gave me my engagement ring on valentines day.

The Nate said...

What? Chris proposed to me and gave me an engagement ring on valentines day too!! BASTARD!!!!

greg said...

well chris proposed to me on my birthday. He probably proposed to you guys on Valentines day cuz he forgot yall's B-day!

Alli said...

chris, you have some splaining to do!!!!!

record time for a comment stream to go totally awry! yes!

caroline said...

My most memorable was when I was pregnant with Everett and asked Jim to make reservations at a nice restaurant. We got to his Choice - a place with a soda fountain and styrofoam cups! So, we left and drove around for an hour of course every nice restaurant was booked. We finally got to a Mexican food place and had to wait an hour. I was pregnant, hungry and grouchy!! Now, I usually just tell him where I want to eat at.

Anonymous said...

I want to read Rachel's question about Pooh. That silly old bear with a honey jar stuck on his nose!

Anonymous said...

Hey what's with this Valentine's stuff. Everyone knows that the only holiday that really counts is Saint Patrick's Day. Who wants pink and red presents when they can get green stuff.

Anonymous said...

mcdonalds for V-day

Anonymous said...

cleaning supplies is a great heart day gift

mark said...

I think one year Cathi got me a sweater and a flower?? I got her a twix.
I also once wrote her a song called "Valentines Day Sucks". That was probably the most special one for us.

aunt_maria said...

The Valentines day of the year before we moved into our new home. We had been going out to check progress. This time when we got there, Harrison had a quilt on the floor, a picnic, candles (there was no electricity yet), a boom box playing romantic music, flowers, and wine. It was the most thoughtful occasion ever!

Anonymous said...

The Valentines Day massacre, you should have seen all the people I shot, I also think that was the day Chris proposed to me. What a guy to think about me during this time of conflict.

Chris de Bergerac said...

I'm such a hapless romantic!

Jim said...


I am sorry I screwed up that year. In my defense Chris showing up and proposing really threw me off.