The Random Question of the Month

 From Caroline:

What is your favorite comfort item when you are feeling sick?


Alli said...

being at my mom and dads house

caroline said...

My mom gets us these awesome socks from Brookstone each Christmas. When I am feeling sick, I put them on and Jim makes me a cup of hot tea.

david said...

it really doesnt matter if i am sick or not its got to be my TV!

doug said...

sweat pants

Anonymous said...

staying snuggled in bed

mark said...

a good warm cup of RC

Unknown said...

So far in Sydney it's been my morning workouts, but besides that its my pillow.

Anonymous said...

A hot cup of coffee and a delicious chocolate. Throw in a good book and my sorrows are forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Women! hahahahahahahahahahah