August Birthday Bash

It's still a while away, but since my mom put this out there I thought I would start a thread where people can find info or post ideas for the August birthday bash.  Apparently it's going to be on a Sunday in Woodville, so you'll want to bring swimming gear.  Should be lots of fun.  So if you have any news or suggestions post them here. . . see you all there!


The Nate said...

We need to start a February Birthday Bash tradition!! AWW YEAH! haha

mark said...

I wholeheartedly agree

Anonymous said...

You can't go swimming in February!

Anonymous said...

We have decided that the date will be August 22. We will barbecue the usual stuff like hamburgers, carne asada, and chicken. More details will be forthcoming.

ricky bobby said...

We could go ice skating for the february birthday bash. It will be "blades of glory" themed.

Greg said...

I vote for 2 Birthday parties (you know, since i'll be down in early August)

Meneses said...

Oh you can swim in February! Just ask mark or mike!

mark said...

we should have a non-august birthday party when Greg comes down. It's time we celebrate everyone who wasn't born in the hottest month of the year.

Anonymous said...

Sumo suits!