Random Question of the Month

If you were one of Uncle Ron's cats,
would you want to have 9 lives?
. . . and that's why we have random questions on the blog


Anonymous said...

Ron's cats are the most spoiled animals in the town of Woodville. They are also the most popular. All the other cats in the neighborhood come over to Ron's to hang out with his cats. Well, no, not all the cats, just the good looking ones. Ron's cats have a list, and the ugly ones don't get in. The beasty looking felines skulk around my yard, where they have to duck flying lemons and pine cones. Okay, I know this doesn't answer the question, but it has to be the worst question so far for 2010.

mark said...

nobody ever said that this was a contest for the greatest questions asked. it's just random questions, and this is definitely random. to answer the question, though, I'd have to say I don't know. What kind of question was this?

meneses said...

So sorry for the horrible question. Would you prefer something more philosophical like "which group are geekier, Stars Wars fans or Lord of the Rings fans?", or "Who would win in a fight between Rocky and Rambo?"

Anon-a-Mouse said...

Anonymous is giving away some geographical hints as to who he is. Pine Cones and Lemons in the same yard? We're narrowing down our list of suspects here.

Anonymous said...

I personally think this is one of the greatest questions- oh and the answer is, If I was one of Ron's cats I would like to live a hundred lives of getting my tail pulled, eyes poked, and neck stepped on. Oh and Rocky would totally beat Rambo, Rambo was a total crybaby in First Blood.

Anonymous said...

Hah! Rocky couldn't even beat Bullwinkle! Which game is better, Star Wars Risk or Lord of the Rings Risk? And if my aim were better, those cats would be using up those nine lives.

A Non Mrs said...

If Rocky had the one true Ring, then he wouldn't even need a Death Star. He could just punch a planet and it would ESSPLODE!

Anonymous said...

Best question ever - and I hate cats so I would not want any of these 9 lives. And incidentally LOTR Risk is best - becuase yes, I kicked some Risk butt in that game...first try!

Anonymous said...

I think in the next Star Wars Risk game it will be revealed that Bullwinkle is Rocky's father and that he wants him to come over to the darkside of mordor. Oh and then the fat fluffy Ron cats would be clinging to Frodo begging him to throw the Ring in the Fire and the Gollum cat (those hanging out in the yard with flying lemons would come and attack the Ron cat...and that happens in the first of the nine lives. Why would they want more?

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to dignify this question with an answer.

And really? Best question ever? Yeah, for my cat to poop on!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I think it would be a great idea to have 9 lives as one of the cats. They're the only ones he put in his will. It's proven, I've seen it.

RON'S CATS said...