I just received a copy of Mom & Dad's wedding picture from one of our cousins. She came across it and thought one of us should have it ( I love Facebook).

Any way, I was wondering do you all know that I have mom's wedding dress? Mom brought it to me many, may years ago. Her family was keeping it for her and it was damaged in a flood.

The dress is no longer white, but a soft yellow. It also has several water stains. For a short time we considered having it reconstructed for Susan's wedding. The only reason we did not, is that once Susan actually saw it, it occurred to her that it was not at all reflective of her personality. Mind you it was made in the 1950's.

The dress is in dire need of a good cleaning and some serious repair. Maybe some day I'll make the investment and restore the dress, but it will be expensive and I just can't manage it at this time. But, if any one else would be interested in handling this undertaking, please feel free to do so. The way I see it, the dress belongs to the family, all of the family.

Loving you all,

Aunt Maria

1 comment:

mark said...

thanks for posting this, i've always wanted a copy of this picture. it would be pretty cool if people have old family pictures that they could scan and share. I'm sure I could get some from my mom, but the more the better