More Photos

So here is another point of view of the August Birthday party, picture sent from my dad.

August B-Day Photos

I think there's going to be a splash.
Check out all these kids ready to break the piƱata

I borrowed these pics from Heather.  She posted like 50 to facebook so some of you may have seen these already.  I left my camera in Woodville so I haven't been able to post any of my own.  The turnout was very good and it looks like these little guys had a great time.

Great Old Photo

I saw Aunt Liz posted this on facebook, and just had to steal it and post it here as well. 

We went to the National Forest too!

The National Park was a great way to spend the day and get out of the valley.  School starts for Pax on Thursday so this was his last trip before he starts kindergarten.  We tried to snap some photos of the bear we saw but she was in the middle of meadow and I couldn't get a good pic.

Random Question Time

The CEO of HP is forced to resign and is given over $20 million as a parting gift.  Shouldn't we all be so lucky.

The Perseid meteor shower is about to peak.  Now's a good time to make a wish

Things to see on your next roadtrip  In case you're planning one last trip this summer

With that in mind, if you could quit your job with a nice severance package, make one wish and go anywhere for a roadtrip, where would you go?  Keep in mind that this wouldn't be forever, just for a couple weeks.

August Birthday Party

All Meneseses are invited to the August Birthday Party! August 22 from 4-? at Connie and Darrel's pad. Bring your swimsuit and some food to share. The meat will be provided and cooked BBQ style. Mike is making a dessert. Hope to see everyone there. You can RSVP here or on facebook!

Some Cousin Pics

Susan hosted a cousins BBQ today in Bakersfield. We all had a good time.

The Dudes

Reese and Sofia found the fountain, sorry Elias you may have some clean-up to do.

Greg and John pictured together for the first time, proving they are not the same person.
You show up for a BBQ, chances are you will have to cook.