Random Question Time

The CEO of HP is forced to resign and is given over $20 million as a parting gift.  Shouldn't we all be so lucky.

The Perseid meteor shower is about to peak.  Now's a good time to make a wish

Things to see on your next roadtrip  In case you're planning one last trip this summer

With that in mind, if you could quit your job with a nice severance package, make one wish and go anywhere for a roadtrip, where would you go?  Keep in mind that this wouldn't be forever, just for a couple weeks.


mark said...

I would drive up to northern california, through the highway of the giants (redwoods), stop at every little store selling carvings and random junk along the way and fill up the trunk with that kind of nonsense. Then I'd head over to Idaho to do some fishing, go to Wyoming and eat a Buffalo Burger. Along the way I would go to Chicago to see the Cubs play, then off to Maine to say hello to Uncle Art, and Boston to check out Fenway. After that I'd go to D.C. to see the Lincoln Monument again. Next, I'd go meet Aunt Liz in New Orleans and see whatever there is to see down there. On the way back home, I would probably be in a hurry so I would only stop Arizona to check out the Painted Desert again.

caroline said...

I would rent a car and drive through Oregon, Washington, and then into British Columbia - for sight seeing, museums, & beaches. Then I would fly into Maryland see friends and go to D.C. for a few days for all of the history. From there I would make my way up to Maine, because it is really beautiful. Then I would fly back.

greg said...

I'm gonna answer a different question cuz I did quit my job and dont have a lot of money. First I did some hikin, bikin and surfin in San Diego, including find the elusive mushroom caves of San Elijo Lagoon, a cool spot even a few native don't know about.== Then I visited the fam while and ate their food and drank their beer. Then I took a few adventure days to Sequioa, Carrizo Plains including getting lost on a road right on top the San Andreas, without being a great view of the fault. A trip to the central coast to find zebras and buffalo (found losts of zebra, no buffalo) I saw Jupitor, Saturn, Mars and Venus this week and under a dozen falling stores. I'm planning on a Woodville trip and fishing before I head back down south.

mark said...

Carrizo plains! I've wanted to go out there ever since I saw Huell Houser film an episode of California Gold out there. I'm planning on bringing my camcorder and re-enacted the episode.

Chris said...

@mark- I'm in! It's so wooonderfuuulll!!!

greg said...

hey mark, I ate a Buffalo Cheesburger at Casa De Fruita 2 days ago and he was very tasty, but someone had already removed the wings.

The Nate said...

2 weeks all over New Zealand will do it for me! Surfing, scuba diving, hiking, fishing, hunting, moutains, oceans, plains, tropics, snow, camping, culture, beauty, great food, great people! What isn't in New Zealand!