Halloween Question

1. What's your favorite Halloween candy?

2. What's the best costume you ever wore?

If you can find any old pictures of halloween costumes you should put them up here


mark said...

my favorite are the little Krackel bars. this is the only time of year when I eat them.

Doug and I dressed up in Panchos and sombreros one year when we were a bit too old for trick or treating but we went anyway.

Anonymous said...

kandy korn, kandy korn, kandy korn!
El Kandy korn Gato

caroline said...

Everett: Candy Corn
Sawyer: Chocolate
Caroline: Candy Pumpkins

Favorite Costume: The black cat costume my mom made for me.

Alli said...

my favorite are the miniature reese's buttercups.
Connor says his favorite are milky way.
Worst candy ever: it's a tie between milk duds and dots.
I really loved the clown costume my mom made me when I was a kid, I think I wore it three years or so.

Anonymous said...

best candy ever sugar daddies they stuck to your teeth and you and it took forever to eat

Anonymous said...

took a pair of dad's work pants, shirts, work hat and a pair of his work boots and went as a bum, I looked good.