A bit of sad news to pass on to the family

It is with a broken and sad heart that I share the news; Veronica's mom passed away last night. Mrs. Moreno got sick and went to the hospital 2 weeks ago and every day her condition got worse until last night she finally passed away. Scott would like Veronica to rest this morning, she did not get home until 4:30 this morning and will spend the afternoon with her family. If you would like to send Veronica a card feel free to call me and I'll be glad to give you their address. Communicating on and with computer will not work as their computer has just broken down.



aunt maria said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss. Please let Veronica know that we send our sympathies and prayer to her and her family.

Anonymous said...

I am also sadden by Veronica's and the families loss. Her mom was a very gracious lady who showed our family so much love.

The Nate said...

Veronicas mom reminded me a bit of our Grandma meneses. Sad to hear the news.