What's New in November?

It's been a while since we had a new post so I decided to pose this title question.  "What's new?"  Also, what are your plans for Thanksgiving?  Any new traditions?  Is there anyone out there who is going to burn down their hou, er, I mean, deep fry a turkey? 

And have you seen this video of this crazy trick play in football? 

Also remember to check out the Movember website set up by Juan


Issac Elias said...

We fried two turkeys last year, and didn't Burn down either house. Had to hand it to the indoor fryer!

mark said...

Indoor fryer, I didn't know that they existed. I prefer to do mine the old fashioned way, you know get the bow and arrow and shoot my own. Then I'll call the butterball hotline and ask them what to do from there.
Alright, so I never have actually helped with a Thanksgiving meal, save the occasional green bean casserole. I WILL stick to that tradition

aunt maria said...

To accomodate visitation, working schedules, and inlaws the Favereauxs are feasting on Friday. So if you weren't able to enjoy a meal with your family, feel free to join us. Just give a heads-up so I know just how big the turkey has to be.

Alli said...

The Craven fam will be spending Thanksgiving at Disneyland again this year. We had a great time last year so we decided to do it again. Mostly I am looking forward to not having to work 17 plus hours the day after Thanksgiving and dealing with all the crazy shoppers. Yay!

The Nate said...

Put down my down payment for Fiji! That's what's new for me!!! To bad that doesnt happen until Aug. of next year! What else is new? I'm growing A Sweet Stache for Movember! That's what's new! :) Should have some sweet pics by the end of this month lol. So here's my new tradition....since a few of our families are having to have thanksgiving celebrations on other days than Turkey day due to scheduling and other issues (including mine), I plan on hitting as many Turkey days as possible! Did you get that aunt maria? see ya friday haha. There's my comment on the matter so stick that in your pipe and smoke it! haha

Anonymous said...

Going to have an East Coast Thanksgiving with turkey and the whole trimings and get in the last day of deer season. Hope we get some snow on the ground to make tracking easier

Love East Coast Meneses

And watch the football game

mark said...

hey the Jets are playing on Thanksgiving day, I hope all you East Coasters are rooting for Señor Sanchez and the rest of the good guys

mike said...

got my movember stache going and been doing alot of baking. it's like doing warm up laps before the big Christmas baking season. I'll let you know I'm on my game right now so yeah. Other than that just looking forward to spending time with the families