Random Question of the Month

So here it is finally, the random question of the month!

Happy Birthday Aunt Maria?

hey that's not really a question, or is it?

NFL Predictions!

I thought that it's time we bump this up to the top again.  As they say, "this is why they play the game".

It's that time of year again.  Football season is right about to start.  So let's hear your fearless predictions.

Who's going to win their divisions?  How do you see the playoffs shaping up?  What are picks for biggest surprises of the year?  And who's going to win the Super Bowl?  It's always fun to look back in January and see just how wrong we were back in the summer.

A Favereaux Vacation

Quartnie relaxing back in the Cabin. Issac, living life large.

The kids didn't have a problem picking up a new sport. Quartnie skiied with me and Harrison. Codey and Cage decided to tackel snowboarding with Greg.

Elias and Issac, picture taken in front of the cabin.

Casey sledding. This was also taken outside of our cabin.

It's never too late to learn something new. Harrison and I decide to learn to ski. OK, so we aren't ready to go pro, but boy did we have fun!

The boys, looking cool!

l-r: Cage, Codey, and Greg.

Susan transporting "the man". Issac loved the sled! Anyone watching him go by thought he was just the cutest thing. Of course he thought he was pretty cute too :)

still learning this new phandagled techno dance... Be bigger next time.