Random Question of the Month

So here it is finally, the random question of the month!

Happy Birthday Aunt Maria?

hey that's not really a question, or is it?


Anonymous said...

Not only is it not a question, punctuation notwithstanding, but it is not even random. It could qualify for some degree of randomness if it had occurred on a different date, something not as predictable as January 30th, or if you had just chosen a person out of a phone book to send birthday greetings to. Rather, let us call it what it is: an act of desperation meant to cover a month of neglect and absent-mindedness. The only way to even partially justify this sham of a random question (not that I any way disagree with the message, if fact, I hope that Maria had a wonderful birthday) would be to repeat the same mistake tomorrow, but with a different person's birthday. Hah! Who would see that coming?

mark said...

well then, how about this: Happy birthday Nolan Ryan??

Anonymous said...

Good question in deed? Aunt Maria? Who is she, REALLY? Sounds like a fake name to me. I've long suspected Aunt Maria to be a cover for the CIA or something. I mean really, that spider costume wasn't made by an amateur.

Charlotte said...

Wait, wait, wait... So you are saying that When "Aunt Maria" faked the moon landing she was also the head of the CIA? And if so then who was that woman who made me buenellos last month?

covert agent aunt_maria said...

Thank you for the shout out! You only turn 54 once you know :) I love my family!!!!