Random Question of the Month

So in January we really didn't have a random question per se, so this month I'm going to try to make up for it by having a good question.

What is your all-time favorite sports moment?

I like to go back to sports questions when I want to get responses. Especially since this post won't be on top very long due to expected newbies arriving.


mark said...

I'm going to go with the obvious and say Kirk Gibson hitting that miracle home run in the 88 World Series. Another good one would be Montana to Taylor to win the Super Bowl over the Bengals. 3rd place would be Fresno State winning the college World Series

Alli said...

No question, Kirk Gibson hitting the homerun. Also, when that football team let that Rudy kid play. That was pretty sweet too.

Meneses said...

Hands down-- 86 mets comback pennant, comback world series, and comeback season to even get to the playoffs. They were like 16 games out for most of it. (Or any niner victory!!)

David. said...

Im happy someone other then me posted about the mets!!!!

I have to say my faveriote sports moment came in 1996. it was a tied ball game between monache and tulare western. i came up to bat in the bottom of the 9th with two outs and a runner on 3rd. i was facing one of the top pitchers in the EYL. he got two quick striks on me and threw a fast ball middle in, i turned on it hitting right up the middle to win the game and put Monache in the playoffs.

Greg said...

My favorite play this year was the Donald Driver tackle against the 49ers cuz he had to break about 275 tackles. Barry Sanders Spinnig off 22 Bears for a TD was great... Oh and SDSU beating BYU tomorrow!

darrel said...

Mary Lou Retton on the horse in the 1932 Olympics. Or was it Tommy Smith raising his fist on the podium in Mexico City? No, it was Mark doing that surprise takedown on that Bakersfield hotshot at the Doc Buchanan, then shoving him to the mat, giving up an escape, like he thought he had a chance at actually beating him.

mark said...

haha, the picture I have of that match makes it look like I had that dude pinned. Thanks for bringing up a memory that I had succeeded in repressing.

Jim said...

Watching was definitely Kirk Gibson's home run.

Playing was wrestling the last home dual meet my senior year. I had won my last match the week before 1-0. Before walking on the mat our coach told me, "I want you to score some more points this week." I won 3-2.

Anonymous said...

Best ever sport moment was not a moment but sport history when the BOSTON RED SOX were down 3 to nothing and then won 4 straight to defeat the evil empire (known as the we suck yankees) and then winning the WORLD SERIES, can i have an AMEN!!!!!!!

real baseball fans said...

@East Coast Meneses -- we do not acknowledge that World Series as it happened during the Steroid Era. The curse lives on!

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses say
Due to the steriod era the Boston Red Soxs knew that winning the first world series would come into question, SO WE WON ANOTHER AFTER THAT and it has already been proven that there were no steroids found in that WORLD SERIES VICTORY!!! CAN I HAVE ANOTHER AMEN!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another great sports moment was when Monache JV wresting team beat the Porterville JV wresting team for the first time with a come from behind victory and then having the parnets of the wresting teams have a riot on the gym floor, 1973. How I long for the good times!!!!!

Ogden Nash said...

Y is for Young
The magnificent Cy;
People batted against him,
But I never knew why.

Anonymous said...

Some of the best moments were the 1974-75, Woodville 8th grade boys and girls A-Teams, winning at every sport played at that time. The evidence is in the trophie case at Woodville.

doug said...

I have too many too list! whiffle ball has to be up there I know its marred by steriods but the 1998 home run race was exciting all summer....fresno state winning the college world series.....many many more....but I hve been lucky enough to enjoy countless sports moments with my family!

mark said...

I can now add Paxton getting Kirk Gibson's autograph and picture together to my list.