Any good books???

Has anyone read any good books lately??? I have not, my most recent were crime and punishment and mobey dick Im sure many of you have heard my complaints on those miss labeled classics! ha


darrel said...

No Ordinary Time by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Great biography!
Our Kind of Traitor by John LeCarre. Decent spy novel by the master of the genre.

mark said...

I liked Crazy Heart by Thomas Cobb. Alli let me borrow The Princess Bride, which I'm fairly sure I'll like.

The Nate said...

Stop that rhyming and I mean it!
Anybody wanna peanut?

I just read "The Grand Weaver" by Ravi Zacharias. Great book!!
The book I read before that was pretty great and that book is called "Into the Wild" and that book too was very good! I have like 12 more books that are waiting for me to read!

Oh and Doug the informational part of Moby Dick is probably the best part of the book my friend!!

Alli said...

I read The Princess Bride and it was great, then I read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and it was creepy, and then I read "The Three Musketeers" which I loved.

The Nate said...

When you write a comment to a post the moment you wake up it may come out as incoherent as this; "The book I read before that was pretty great and that book is called "Into the Wild" and that book too was very good! I have like 12 more books that are waiting for me to read!"

caroline said...

Hey Nate, I read a different book by Ravi Zacharias, and I enjoyed it.
I finally finished Last Night on Twisted River, by John Irving. Can't decide if I liked it or not.

Meneses said...

Zacharias is the man.. Try out Jesus among other gods...

Meneses said...

the informational part of that book was too lengthy and interupted the fictional story which was good....I liked the story I dont care how many species of whales there are or which whale fat is the best lamp oil or the different types of ropes used on the ship....only half of the book was good - the story!!!! the other half should have been a different book ( whaling for dummies by melville)

The Nate said...

Whaling for dummies is the best part! Who cares about a Man trying to kill a helpless Whale! haha

Jim said...

The Assassin's Accomplice by Kate Clifford Larson - Historical book about Mary Surratt who was one of the conspirators to kill Abraham Lincoln.

Not very thrilling but lot's of facts.

I read Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin last year that book was great.

darrel said...

If you want to read a good one about JW Booth, try Manhunt. I gave away my copy and I don't remember the author.