Opening Day

Welcome back MLB!!!!!!! ( go Giants ) in an unrelated story it appears a cobra escaped the bronx zoo......maybe I mocked snakes on a plane to soon????? na i still refuse to watch that flop!!!!!!! -doug


mark said...

I think you meant Go Dodgers! I almost logged into the site to edit your post but I'll wait till after the Dodgers win

doug said...

Im excited to see brandon belt and the slimmed down panda

mark said...

Good opening day, let's have more of the same on Friday!

The Nate said...

Sad Sad opening day but hey I think the Dodgers swept the Giants in the opening series last year. Oh I mean the DEFENDING WORLD SERIES CHAMPION GIANTS lol

darrel said...

So when are they going to start defending?

Evander said...

Buster Douglas was World Champion one time. Anyone remember how he did in his title defense?

John Elway said...

No one remembers his title defense but they sure do remember him beating the crap out of Mike Tyson championships matter repeat or no repeat. Ask Brett Farve.

Jerry Rice said...

Everyone loves a repeat! In fact that's the best part of being a champion so that you get to do it again! But wait are we talkin about football or baseball? eh sports is sports. Somethin else people remember is a 55-10 beatdown in a Superbowl, right John?