Nates Suprise Caption This Picture

Let's see what creative and funny captions we can come up with for this picture!


Anonymous said...

Nooo!!! Officer Scraps!! Please don't throw in the toaster!!!

Anonymous said...

Osama's dog surrenders peacefully

Mr Bigglesworth said...

Nate finally takes a bath

Dave said...

Damn it Jim for the last time this isnt funny GET ME OUT OF HERE!

The Dog in the tub said...

A good baff heals all tings, Cept Me crazy eyes!

Anonymous said...

can anyone say BP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was the eyes... the crazy eyes, they was winking and blinking. Was it from the bubble bath soap? Or those tragic memories of the girl puppy left behind?

Anonymous said...

Where ARE my bubbles and Candles? I paid for the Deluxe Flea Spa Treatment!!

The Nate said...

Even during his disciplinary "cleansing bath" for his dirty Lambada the Dancing dog finds a moment of freedom and strikes another suggestive dancing move....luckily he was covered from the waist down!

Anonymous said...

And he noticeed the water getting warmer and the bowl of veggies next to the pot, his curisoity ran wild when he notice El Gatoimgoingtoeatyou, only set one place setting at the table. ha ha meow

Anonymous said...

So he did the only thing there was left to do. He slowly batted his stringy eyelashes, looked as helpless as he could and in a throaty growl, said Mr. El Gatoimgoingtoeatyou I find myself depending on the kindness of strangers, Could you please had me my bubble bath and light the candles? OMG!!! What is wrong with this doggy????

Looooook intoooo my goooood eyeeeeeee said...

"OK, I have called this meeting to discuss the parachuting of Officer Scraps battalion of special forces cats!" "As Osama’s dog and lead officer of puppies suicide bombers it is the utmost important that we make sure none of these cats infiltrate Osama’s layer, kill him and take his body back to America!"

!!!!!!!!!MAJOR FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It would be the last act of kindness to be committed for him as Specail Forces Lieutenant Sergeant Commander El Gatoimgoingtoeatyou, handed a towel to Osamadog, yes a towel made out of a tortilla. The only thought that ran through Osamadog mind was, "Man this towel is warm and why is this soaked with butter.

The Nate said...

Dave mom said you had a potty mouth and that you better stop insulting her on here or shes going to go to your house, and dunk you in your own tube and when you get out you're going to have a pair of crazy eyes of your own!

The Nate said...

that was supposed to be tub not tube even though dunking you in a tube sounds way more violent!

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses (Uncle Art)
This is the directe resuilts of accepting that free all inculsive weekend with Nate.

The Nate said...

Hey! It was free!! and all Inclusive!! what do you expect? haha