The Decision

For a guy who's always been known to be decisive, it's not easy for Brett Favre to admit that right now he can't say which one he's gonna go with.


Mark said...

Favre definitely looks like a a flour tortilla kind of guy. . .

It's amazing that the NFL went through all the trouble of a lockout just to get change the offseason talk this year. I'm glad to see that Brett still gets his attention somewhere

Bretto said...

I have no problem deciding what kind of taco I like!!! Corn for tacos, Flour for burritos!!!

And I want a burrito... Actually a taco does sound pretty good. Then again, Ive never had a burrito I didnt like...

Tablito Masa said...

I knew that gringo was no good.. He stole my tortillas out of my truck when I wasn't looking and left me a stinking hamburger... I hope he chokes on a jalapeno!!!!

Anthony Weiner said...

I wish I had some tortillas....

Anonymous said...

(East Coast Meneses) Uncle Art

The only opinion that truly matters is that of New England’s Tom Brady, cause Brady wants his flour tortilla made with real lard and the only good burrito is a breakfast burrito. Plus he will be eating corn tortilla tacos before he wins his next SUPER BOWL. It's fact that the Boston Bruins hockey team ate tacos and burritos before they were victoris in the Stanley CUP.

South Coast Meneses (Greg) said...

While I am glad to hear that Tom likes his tacos, I think its gonna be hard to eat them before winning the superbowl... unless of course he's gonna back up Aaron

Anonymous said...

There will bo no need for Aaron to have a back-up cause Green Bay will not be going to no super bowl. Green bay will be giving it's name of TITLE TOWN to the great city of Boston, because Boston has the most Champion TITLES.

It's good to be Boston Sports Fan.