Kind of Random Question of the Month?

Okay, so this one is kind of random because I'm planning on a picnic during our upcoming camping trip. Here's the question:

What is something you should never take on a picnic?


Anonymous said...

Another guy's wife. Lol

Anonymous said...

A shortcut you've never tried before.

Anonymous said...

another gals husband. lol

Brett said...

While Im not sure what you shouldnt bring, I am gonna say you SHOULD bring both flour and corn tortillas, cuz your never gonna which one your are gonna want.

Adventure Nate said...

This question reminds me of the time I was camping at Chickamauga Lake in Chattanooga, Tennessee! My only companion was an East Argentinean Chinchilla. We were partnered up in a quest to find the legendary Chattanooga Choo Choo. We heard about it listening to some song at some Jazz gig sometime back in some town in the central valley. The only supplies we had was a whistle, a two forks and a can of refried soup. It's as bad as it sounds. We spent three grueling winters there and to make a long story short, I ate that chinchilla and made me a nice pair of chilla socks! Moral of the story, you can bring a chinchilla but don’t forget your socks!

The Nate said...

oh by the way that last comment has nothing to do with picnics.... I was just saying! The real answer would be never take an undersized dog that thinks all other dogs are evil creatures that must be destroyed! Darn Zoey!!!

Anonymous said...

you should never take a picnic to a camping trip!

Anonymous said...

A gallon of ice cream without ice.

Anonymous said...

Six chicken legs for five hungry boys.

Anonymous said...

what's so wrong with a gallon of cream?

The Wise Picnic Proffesor said...

Grocery List of Never:
1) Never take a roller derby queen named Spike!
2) Never take a homeless guy named Pockets!
3) Never take an ex-con named Looney!
4) Never take a family member named Big Hungery!
5) And Never take anyone who plans on pitching in the morning catch!

Anonymous said...

Never take anything that has been made with mayonnaise products or fish.