Ahh soon Sundays will be filled with lounging on couches taking in all day football marathons....and Monday nights and Thursday nights and for college fans Friday and Saturday nights. (Tue and Wed should be cancelled) So check your bbq's and deep fryers make sure your stocked up on chips dips and salsa because this should be a wonderful season. Also time to make our 2011 season predictions. Anyone else taking the browns to win it all??

Here's a link to last year's predictions, for those who want to see how bad we were. I think Greg did the best.

August Fest Part II

Dave taking a swing at the piƱata

Birthday Boys

Waiting for some candy

Was one of Uncle Ron's cats in the tree?

Nate and the 50 year old Ron

Sawyer and Sofia enjoying the pool 


Who says summer has to end? Swimtember is happening this Saturday the 3rd @2:00. Sounds like it's going to be potluck style at the Smith House in Woodville.

August Birthday Party!

Russell feels pretty

Nick posted this on facebook and we thought it was worth sharing here on the blog!

David & Heather's New Address

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to share our new address:

1944 Pioneer Ave
Porterville, Ca 93257

Vacationing in Fiji......Like a Smith! :-) Part 6.

This is how some of the kids get to and from school every day.
The school kids were not afraid to jump off the boats after school. The water was about 80 degrees.
The school put on a cool show for us that included singing, dancing, and warriors in action.
These kids were great singers.
So apparently I stick my tongue out when zipping through a jungle.

Vacationing in Fiji......Like a Smith! :-) Part 5.

The villages were close by a fresh water river and the beach. They were very poor but very nice at the same time.
typical stretch of beach.
A view from a high elevation trek.
The Beqa waterfall was pretty cool and a fun hike.
There's a huge Indian population on the Main Islands.

Vacationing in Fiji......Like a Smith! :-) Part 4.

Making a bag out of coconut tree leaves. Very cool.
The Fijian church choir was fantastic.
Enter the Doubley Doubley.
Sunset on our Taxis.
Daily transportation.

Vacationing in Fiji......Like a Smith! :-) Part 3.

If you hike through the Fijian jungle to the water fall be sure to take a guide.......
and a machete!
My daily walkway to my dives.
I like the kayak with the scratches from the sharks bites.
Dressing like a Fijian

Vacationing in Fiji......Like a Smith! :-) Part 2.

The locals were amazed by Allisons "Doublaaay Doublaaay" as they would say it, and were grateful I taught it to them.
Hmmm another potential Smith style vacation spot? I think so!
The Bridge didnt quite make it all the way across the Saratoga River (The largest fresh water river in Fiji)
But it looked so promising.
We were welcomed to Fiji by this rainbow.

Vacationing in Fiji......Like a Smith! :-) Part 1.

The Locals
My Bure by the Coy Pond
Here is the chair I often used so that I could vacation like a Smith. Well played Smiths!
My thinking buddy

August Birthday Party

For some reason this tradition just has to carry on and on and on, and so it's time again for the August Birthday Party! I'm guessing most of you saw the invite on Facebook, but I wanted to make sure the info was posted here as well. The shin-dig will be Sunday, August 28th in Woodville @ the Smith House.

See you all there!