Vacationing in Fiji......Like a Smith! :-) Part 6.

This is how some of the kids get to and from school every day.
The school kids were not afraid to jump off the boats after school. The water was about 80 degrees.
The school put on a cool show for us that included singing, dancing, and warriors in action.
These kids were great singers.
So apparently I stick my tongue out when zipping through a jungle.


mark said...

Dude, those are some awesome pictures. That's really cool that you got to go to Fiji and looks like you spent your time well. . . I think you stuck your tongue out when you ziplined on the rope at Grandma's house.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are great. Why didn't you pack me in your suitcase? See we are rubbing off on you. Your vacation looks like it was a great mix of seeing great sights and relaxing.

darrel said...

I'm not absolutely sure, but I think you are mocking us, Nate. You went to Fiji and we had a chair. That's okay, I'm glad you shared pictures of your dream vacation. I don't know how you will ever top that one!

The Nate said...

Haha not mocking at all! I employed the Smith style of vacationing all over the island and highly recommend it! :-) You're right though, Fiji will be hard to top but I'm currently working on Costa Rica so hopefully that will give it a run for its money! :-)
Oh and thanks mark! I did spend my time well in Fiji! We did a ton of cool things and about grandmas zipline, I'm sure you're right! Haha. Oh hey I still have a scar from that zipline. All I have to say is if your only choice for traveling down a zipline is a horseshoe or a straight stick, always choose the horseshoe!!!!

Alli said...

Awesome pictures!!!! I am glad you could share my famed doubly doubly with the Fijians. It's a good thing.

Scott said...

Awesome vacation; and in the famous words of Napolean Dynamite.....Lucky!!!!!!!!

IDIOT! said...

Hey Nate,what are you going to do today?