California Kids

A few of us have recently been going out to the Woodville Park to take batting practice. The action pictures were not very graceful, so for now I'm only posting this one.


Anonymous said...

Action??? I wasn't aware of any action!

lou pinella said...

Oh there's action alright, in the bullpen

Anonymous said...

There's more action there in Woodville Park in one day than in the boston red sox bull pen in the entire month of september HAHAHAHA east coast meneses

Bob Costas said...

. . . or the Dodgers Bullpen, or the Giants Bullpen, or the Reds Bullpen

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses (Uncle Art)
Glad to see that the park is being used. I remember when it was first built around 1972. Man it was a pretty place to go. Darrell you look and so does allison.

Uncle Art.

The Nate said...

I want in on these baseball shenanagins!!

Anonymous said...

It's only action, if there's action. So get going and come on down.
Yogi Whatdidijustsay Beara