Not-So-Random Question

So everyone, what are you thankful for this year?


Koontz fam said...

So I guess I will start. I'm thankful for having two wildly, loud boys and a really good husband (even when they break all my pretty stuff), for an extended family that enjoys getting together, and for the NBA strike. Happy Thanksgiving family!

mark said...

I'm thankful to be living in our own home now. I'm thankful that my kids drive me crazy, that I can go out and play ball with some cool old dudes, and that I won't have to cook a turkey this year. . . I'm also thankful that someone posted something new

darrel said...

My list of things I'm thankful is longer than things I'd rather not have. I have grandkids who seem to like hanging around me. I have people like Mike and Connie who are always cooking delicious things to eat. (I wonder what's for dinner tonight) I have an '02 Suzuki Intruder and a honey who likes to ride. I have 2795 songs on my iTunes, and tickets to see Ain't Misbehaving Thursday night with Caroline. I have some hair left,some teeth left, some brain cells left (I prefer the left) and if I wake up tomorrow, I will be thankful about that!

The Nate said...

I'm thankful first and foremost to God for everything he has given me, I'm thankful for all my friends and familia, I'm thankful for the NFL having more brains than the NBA, I'm thankful that I still have a job in this crazy economy, I'm thankful for the upcoming holidays with my family and of course for another year with my uncle Darrel and thankful that I am still able to send out another ultimate Risk challenge his direction. uuhhmmmmm uuuhhmmmmm IT'S THE HOLIDAYS RED BEARD, TIME TO BUST OUT THE RISK GAME! THIS IS ANOTHER OFFICIAL CHALLENGE AND YOU'RE GOING DOWN LIKE A SACK OF POTATOS!!!

Alli said...

Soooo much to be thankful for this year.. Let's see......Well first I'm thankful for my husband, Chris, for working so hard to provide for our family. I'm thankful for my children, Connor, Jack and Sofia, for being special each in their own way and for the gift of motherhood. I'm thankful for my siblings, Caroline, Mike and Mark for always having my back. I'm thankful for our extended family, you guys are great and we're lucky to be so close to one another. I'm thankful for my mom, Connie, for always lending a helping hand. And.....I feel like I'm forgetting someone???? Hmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmm. Nope, nobody comes to mind.

mike said...

wow i feel so thankful that i have family that is so gracious and thankful for everything. and not even the slightest bit bitter or begrudging, and oh so forgiving of everyone. quick to remember our good deeds and the good times and also quick to forget any slights or oversights on the parts of others.

itsy-bitsy-vapor-sized-me. said...

I am thankful for tortillas and eggs on Saturday.
I am thankful for shotguns and fishing poles on Sunday.
I am thankful for a job and strength on Monday.
I am thankful for civil liberties on Tuesday.
I am thankful for hugs and kisses on Wednesday.
I am thankful for trials and losses on Thursday.
I am thankful for logical, reasoning on Friday.
And I am thankful for A Sovreign Lord Who doesn't rest anyday....

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for living in a home that I love, for having children who remind me that life is not all about work, and for grandchildren who make me laugh. I am thankful for friends who laugh with me and who can be sad with me too, but not for too long. I appreciate a husband who welcomes me each morning by brewing a pot of coffee and who lets me wind down by watching Criminal Minds for the ten thousandth time. I appreciate Chris and Jim who eat my cooking no matter how dry the meat is and Cathi and Joanna who are so right for Mark and Mike. I appreciate my brother Ron who comes over and watches sports and horrible movies with my husband so that I don't really have to. Overall, I have a lot to be thankful for.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my loud, crazy, stubborn, HEALTHY son. A husband who works long, hard hours, to not only provide for our needs, but also our wants. And allows me to stay at a job where I don't make good money, but am VERY happy. My parents and siblings who spoil, encourage, and support me; but would kick anyone's a$$ in a blink of an eye for me. Lastly, I am proud to be a Meneses Favereaux Arismendez, I am who I am because of family and am thankful for that!

aunt maria said...

I've delayed posting my Thanksgivings because I tend to get overwhelmed so very easily. When I start to think of everything I am thankful for I struggle just starting. I am grateful to a God that shines a light even in the most darkest times. I am thankful for in his infinit wisdom, placing me in this family. I am so fortunate to be a part of and to love this crazy family of ours, more so, to be loved by them.

Unknown said...

I am very thankful for my family who have always been supportive of me and journeys around the world. I am also thankful for the opportunities that my Mom and Dad have inspired me to take. I am thankful for my students who challenge and surprise me on a regular basis!

Little Art

Heather Hearn said...

I am thankful for:

My baby daddy, David Grimsley. I love his angry disposition, the dimples in his face, and the way he bbq's those wings (oh my lord!). He makes pretty babies too.

My boys: Eric, Jacob, and li'l David. Nothing makes me smile more than when they're all in the street throwing a football around.

My girls: Payton and Brea. I fear the day that those cuties become teenager girls, but for now I enjoy the dressing up, the color pink, the washable markers, and the constant silliness.

My appliances. With 7 people in this house, I could not live without my dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, and of course my blender (Margarita's for mommy?).

Lastly, I'm thankful for my home. It's a place where we play our silly dancing games, watch Football, eat family meals, and rest peacefully at night.

I am truly blessed :)

Anonymous said...

I have many things to be thankful for but will list this small but funny one. I am thankful for my wife who sang Feliz Navidad in the voice of Count Dracula.

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses (Uncle Art)
Thankful for my children, and the two grandkids, a woman that puts up with my lack of good logic. That Juan Patrick is doing a tour in Miami Florida and not in the big sand box. That my children are chasing their dreams. For having sisters that are great people and having picked great men to share their lives with. That the weather is in the mid fifties and not the usual 30 degrees and colder weather for Maine. And that I got my limit hunting birds this year. For my nephews and nieces. Miss you all.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late but I 'm thankful everyday that no matter how hard or ugly the battle gets, that I'm in the Lords army. thankful for my Children, yes all four of them, Grandchildren that one day soon I'll get to meet. Family that are a great source of love and inspiration that are like a well that will never dry up. For a good job and great partners who like my family have my back and for friends that I'll never forget. Thank you all, and know that the love you give never goes unwanted.