Woodville Fog League

Here are a few more pictures from the adventures at Woodville Park. I stole these from Alli and Ron.


Anonymous said...

nobody said we're any good, but we do have fun out there.

mark said...

If nobody says you're good, then you just have to say it yourself. We are probably the best active over-30 baseball players in Woodville.

Alli said...

We should've gotten a picture of our wet feet! Next week I'm wearing waders!

mike said...

dad was still pretty bitter about that bat last night. I have sneaking suspicions he's not over it this morning yet either haha

YaYa and the Sandloters said...

Good??? You guys are great!!! Maybe only 3 or 4 guys in the history of the game ever smacked the guts out of a baseball and the last guy we saw do it was Benny the Jet Rodriguez!!! It's some kinda sign... Although does this mean you can't play no ball no more? Cause we gotta ball.... Babe Ruth AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!