A Couple More Not-so-random Q's

When do you put your decorations up?


What is your favorite Christmas tradition?


Mark said...

On the decorations, We put them up this year a few days into December.

Favorite tradition, well there's too many to list here, but I'd have to say Christmas Eve in Woodville is number 1. Christmas caroling used to be up there, but I haven't done that in years. Now I love to see my kids open presents, and I like reading the story of Christmas to them.

Connie said...

We put our lights up the day after Thanksgiving because we had a lot of nice people around to help put them up.
One of my favorite traditions is having bunelos and hot chocolate. I might make them again this year and force Darrel to eat them.

The Nate said...

Gots nothin up yet haha.
Favorite tradition, like Marks, is Christmas Eve in Woodville! Of course, that includes Aunt Connies bunelos and hot chocolate too! Aunt Connie you can force me to eat them too! :) One of my favorite traditions ever was the foggy, cold walk from my house to grandmas Christmas Eve morning that we always made as kids. Often times we would pick up a couple smith cousins on the way. Loved getting to Grandmas and seeing Carlos, Cuco, and Gramps chillin by the fire they made. Awww good times, good times!

caroline said...

decorations were up thanksgiving weekend. My favorite tradition is making tamales. I'm so glad Harrison and Maria have helped us keep it going.

Alli said...

We started decorating right after Thanksgiving and it took a few days to finish. Favorite Christmas tradition; Christmas Eve with cousins, mother daughter lunch and tamales all rate high.

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses
Mexican Christmas we all get together and watch everyone open thier gifts and we eat mexican food instead of turkey. Life is great

Uncle Art.

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses (Uncle Art)
Going to the same guy that we have bought our Christmas and door wreath for the last five to six years. is becoming beth and my decoration tradtion.
We started late this year, but we got about four inches of snow Christmas Eve, East Coast Meneses got a white Christmas.