Not-So-Random Question

Hey everybody, after watching Jim Carrey's "A Christmas Carol" I decided that we should ask,

What is your favorite Christmas Movie?


Alli said...

Edward Scissorhands.

mark said...

It's a wonderful life. It won the Oscar for best use of the name Clarence ever!

Anonymous said...

Die Hard

Anonymous said...

The 1937 version of Christmas Carol with Alistair Sims. Scrooge was right!!!!

Still anonymous said...

Wait, I've just been informed that this classic version of the downfall of Scrooge was actually filmed in 1951, not 1937. It all makes sense now,

Anonymous said...

Snakes on a Plane

getting off topic said...

shouldn't it be "Serpents on a Sleigh"

The Nate said...

Snakes on a Sled???

A Christmas Story. said...

No one remembers what it's like to want a red rider b.b. gun, stick your tounge to a frozen pole, or say fudge in front of your dad but have the other word come out??? Am I the only one to almost shoot out my eye? (Charlie Brown Christmas comes in at a close 2nd)

Anonymous said...

"Hey there's a snake in my boot"

The Nate said...

Charlie Brown Christmas wins it hands down for me! The theme song "Christmas Time is Here" pops into my head year round! I have been heard singing it in the middle of summer at work! Plus who of us don't love the classics cartoons that never seem to get old and continue to bring us back to our childhood? Empanadas, bunuelos, Mexican (Ibarra) Chocolate, everyone huddled around a little television in a cozy warm house and grandma in an apron in and out of the kitchen! That is what I think of everytime I watch Charlie Brown Christmas. So it ranks #1 to me :)

mark said...

Nate got me thinking about cartoon classics, and while I would not put The Polar Express up there, I would say "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" is one of the best.

Anonymous said...

Best Christmas movie
Geoge C Scott in a Christmas Carrol folled by the Muppetts version.