OK I just wanted to see movement on the blog and I'm bored so I'm tossing a post out there.....I guess this is in line with sort of a question of the month post. It seems the Mayans have predicted for us a very bleak 2012 (I sometimes wonder about their skills since they were unable to predict their own demise) How many of you think they were one to something? What are your predictions for 2012? What would you like or look forward to in 2012?

-I don't know if the Mayan calendar is correct but it sure looks good on my wall


Anonymous said...

The Mayans? If they were so good at predicting they should have done more to save their own civilization. Oh wait, maybe no one listened to the calendar makers back then. Maybe the lure of short term profits led them to ignore and mock those who warned of trouble ahead. Maybe they were despised like Al Gore and the scientific community by demagogs like Fox News and oil funded politicians!
I'll bet you didn't predict a rant like this as your first comment, did you, Doug?

doug said...

I did expect a similar rant but it was going to be my own about how weve spent ourselves into a hole I dont think we can get out of so I have a feeling whats taking place in greece is sure to hit us this year or next....and my despised prophet would have been glenn beck who is more despised, but more correct than your al gore ha (although if you hate the environment al gores urging for the electric cars might be the way to go so we can burn all that 'clean' coal).... I shouldnt over simplify i guess and explain that its not just the fact that we are "spending" its what were spending and that is paper printed outta nowhere. For some reason we keep printing printing and printing money which has collapsed every government in the history of the world that has followed that playbook. Get ready for 1000000$ bill lol. I wanted to wait to post becuase its so pessamistic interesting that you were also feeling pessamistic but from the other side of the line;)

Mark said...

In the grand scheme of things (since we are talking pretty grand schemish*), 2012 is just another year. In terms of the amount of time relative to the existince of our universe, it's really only a microscopic dot on some metaphysical calendar. I really don't think the Mayans were on to anything with this one.
Really I think people should be a little more concerned with small terms. While the things that are going on around the globe do effect us, it's really all of our individual decisions that have the greatest impact on our lives and the lives of the people we care about. Chances are, the earth will go on in 2013 and we should all be working towards making our own lives better.
That's my rant, from whichever side you want to put me on.

*schemish may not actually be a real word, but this is the internet so I can make stuff up if I want to.

Anonymous said...

Hey you ranters, there are many things we can do to make the printing stop like going meatless one meal a week. No fair skipping meat on a meal you would have gone meatless on already. We can all buy a little less and take on the philosophy of do I need it can I make do with out it. Remember Jesus was a liberal too. He did say that we should feed the hunger, take care of the poor, the widowed, those in prison, cloth those who need it and then he reminded us that we should render unto Cesar what is due him and render unto God what is due him.
I look forward to fun times with my family and Swimtember, August Birthday parties, cause those Jan/Feb birthdays just can't compete with the Super Bowl. The ideal world would have the Dodgers winning the division and the World Series in 2012 and all the stars would align and I would win the lottery.

doug said...

Lol this is starting to solve my boredom problem good job....everyones posts are interesting and fun to argue with...anonymos my biggest problem i have with your post is you have the dodgers instead of my giants taking it....im also not sure jesus was a liberal (or conservative for that matter) there are things both camps support that dont seem to gel with the bible...hed probly grab both sides by the ears - also i dont understand what eating meat has to do with deficit spendin? Any clarification on that? After all one of the few things the president have in common is the love of the cheeseburger !!!!

Magician Machiavel said...

2012 predictions: Obama wins(or worse Romney)! I believe civil liberties of the individual will continue to be attacked, conservative ideology demonized, U.S. hand washes Isreal, and the decisions Mark has asked us to make (he is right by the way) will be further regulated under the guise of fighting for the poor who are supressed by the intollerable right wing and evil corporations.. Wanna see a trick? I showed it to the Mayans....

ByeByeDollar said...

If our officials would abide by the constitution and stop over spending we would have a wealth of money to feed the hungry, care for the poor and widowed, and minister to the imprisoned. Ironically enough, in over regulated governments, tack on the sick and naysayers, and these are the first to go.. Prediction: I'll be eatin grass with chopsticks for a while....

Caesar-say-gimmie said...

The reference to Caesar from Matthew 22 is applicable. No matter how corrupt the government is, or overtaxed it's citizens are, Christians are citzens of Heaven and should pay all taxes to the Obama Czars. The correct vs. for healing the country are found in Genesis 12:3-(Concerning Isreal) I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. (&) 2 Chronicals 7:14- If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will heal their land. Sadly, we as a country are saying, "No!", to these two vs. What then shall we do as individuals?

Anonymous said...

Doug, to answer the meat question. It has been calculated that if we consumed what the average Rwandan consumes the Earth could sustain a population of 17 billion people with the current resources we have. If everyone consumes at the rate of the average North American, we can sustain a population of 1.5 billion. Guess what our current world population is a little over 3 billion with 1.5 billion in India and 1 billion in China. So do the math. North Americans consume over 70% of the world's resources. The other countries will not tolerate this for much longer.

doug said...

Doesnt Rwanda routinely run into issues of starvation? Im not sure how well consuming the avg rwandan diet would work here....unless the plan is to thin the heard?

Pen and Teller said...

Notice the slight of hand. The first premise was what we can do as Americans to stop spending money we don't have and flushing paper down the drain, to how it's our fat falt that the U.S. is blessed while other parts of the World may struggle. Yes the world will probably turn on the U.S. but it will have nothing to do with meat consumption. Funny how the most intollerable people, places and regims hate the country with the most liberties and freedoms for it's people and blessings.

EsoParaAcademia!!!!!!! said...

No more beef, no more oil, even dairies sure to spoil.
All we need is full control, cause we know better than all the fools.
No more guns and no defense, heards of cattle without any sense.
We will teach you to tolerate, but just like us with no debate.
Your minds too simple, you don't understand.
You can trust our master plan.
Scouts Honor!!! There can be only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Farmer Juan said...

I wonder if those tricky Rwandan statisticians will accurately tell you that the reason we can consume the resources that we do is because we produce much of the worlds food resources as well? I wonder if the 1.5 billion people in India and the 1 billion people in China are as concerned as we are about Rwanda? Lets hope so cause the world without U.S. influence and consideration has begun to arrive. Hopefully I can still eat beans potatos and tortillas. If not, back to grass and chopsticks. (I use to know where I came from. I use to know where I been. They say I'm an outdated farmero, and the way that I live is a sin. They use to come down to the neighborhood. They use to remember my name. But cause of the pride in my tierra, I am now out of the game.)