Trail Mix

When we were young and lived at Del Rey Farms there was always farm work to do.  So at this time of the year, we often had to help pick up walnuts. On the farm there were two sheds.  One was mostly empty and the other larger, more modern one housed the tractors.  To the west of this garage, there was a row of walnut trees, and it was left to all the kids, Martinez's and Meneses's to pick up the walnuts, take off the hulls and bag them up to go somewhere.  We would keep some of the walnuts and mix them with some of the raisins that we also grew.  We had our own trail mix.  Many a day this was my salvation  meal, since I really hated atole and avena (oatmeal and cream of wheat).  Most days mom had a eat what you have or do without rule.   Sometimes I would pick to do without. I think that it is totally ironic that now I am eating lots of cream of wheat and oatmeal and the things that make it tolerable is adding walnuts and/or raisins.  So my question to you is what foods do you remember really disliking as a kid that you eat now?

Thanksgiving Pasts

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  We did. We had lots of great food and fun.  We started a new tradition after letting our food settle, we had a Just Dance contest.  Chris and Connor were the winners in the adult and children divisions.
I thought that I would share my memories of the California Meneses' first encounter with a Thanksgiving turkey.  We were living at Del Rey Farms, and Uncle Abel was staying with us.  We had been learning about traditional Thanksgiving in school and so we (the kids)  determined that we needed to have turkey.  Of course this was during winter and it was cold and raining so dad had not worked and we had no money.  I can remember crying as if the world would end if we didn't get a turkey.  I think poor Uncle Abel finally had enough and he went out and bought a turkey.  Of course when he brought it home, mom didn't know how to cook it so she cut it all up and fried it.  I think we all thought it was delicious.  
As I look back across the years, I know it was a challenge to mom and dad to learn all about the expectations that come from living in a world where the culture is not the one you grew up with and that you know your children need to learn if they are going to be successful.

Tamale Day

Come join us in celebrating a family tradition. As usual, meet at our home. Uncle Harrison will provide the pizza and soft drinks. Allison, I will provide the wine :) Where? 328 Oleander Shafter, CA When? Sunday, December 16th at 1:30 p.m. Looking forward to spending time with you all!