136 days and counting!

Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know that our wedding is coming up September 7th! Hopefully we'll be seeing you there. Admittedly we're a little behind with getting invitations and that sort of thing out but hopefully it should be no problem. The wedding is going to be in Hollister, CA and outdoor so be aware of that. It might be hot although we're going to do our best to neutralize the heat. There is a block of rooms reserved at Best Western in Hollister and there are several other hotels in the area. I can get a list up if you'd like.

The Raquel Guerrero Meneses Scholarship

It's that time of year again.  With Monache High School students graduating and contemplating their futures we would like to offer those that have first attended Woodville Elementary assistance with their college expenses.

I want to thank those of you that have already made contributions and get your assistance with the selection process.  If I have not already contacted you, please send me your email information and I will be certain to get the student application information to you immediately.

Should you not have donated, it is still not too late to contribute.  Donations can be sent to me directly.

Thank you everyone,

Maria Dolores Guerrero Meneses Favereaux :)

Prediction time?

It's that wonderful time of year, lets hear what you have to say. Giant's fans need not apply...