136 days and counting!

Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know that our wedding is coming up September 7th! Hopefully we'll be seeing you there. Admittedly we're a little behind with getting invitations and that sort of thing out but hopefully it should be no problem. The wedding is going to be in Hollister, CA and outdoor so be aware of that. It might be hot although we're going to do our best to neutralize the heat. There is a block of rooms reserved at Best Western in Hollister and there are several other hotels in the area. I can get a list up if you'd like.



mike said...

As for now we have reserved blocks of rooms at the best western inn in hollister and at the san juan inn in san juan bautista. The rooms at best western run $108 per night with options for one king or two queens and the san juan inn is $89 for either option. reservations need to placed by july 31st. Hollister has a few other options, such as the Hollister inn or the Wiebe motel. Gilroy has many other options or you could go my parents route and head to the coast. Monterey is roughly 40 minutes from the wedding site so if you had thoughts of an extended stay that might be an enjoyable option.

Aunt Maria said...

Harrison and I are happy for the both of you and are looking forward to the special day.

We think we'll be staying there in Hollister at the Great Western. Count us in :)

Anonymous said...

will you be playing the Sugar hill gangs "Apache, Jump on it"? at the reception

Tablas de Califas said...

I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Woodville Mike of Hollister... CONGRATS..... You Two!!!!!!