The Raquel Guerrero Meneses
2013 Scholarship

This is the 3rd year we have been able to award a scholarship in honor of our mom/grandmother.  Thank you everyone for your generous contributions.  I was worried for just a moment that we would not meet this year's goals, but then we exceeded them. We were successful in doubling last years amount presenting  Eduardo Cervantes with a $1,000.00 scholarship award.

Eduardo plans to attend Porterville College and then to transfer to Fresno State.  His long term goal is to attain a degree in Criminology and eventualy become a patrol man or officer with the local Police Department.

This years contributors included:
  • Harrison and Maria Favereaux
  • Liz and Larry Pigott
  • Ron Meneses
  • Jim & Caroline Koontz
  • Susan & Elias Arismendez
  • Connie Smith
  • Bonnie Elliot
  • Greg Favereaux 
  • Nathan Grimsley
The total amount collected exceeded our goal by $100 dollars which will be rolled over to next year.  I'm feeling optimistic and would like to challenge everyone to help us award 2 $1,000.00 scholarships for the 2014 awards.

We can do this :)

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