Well East Menesses and West Menesses. I really am greatful for Jack Darrel Craven. Thanks to him and his super-cool, Wielding goggles, I was able to see The partial Solar Eclipse. It is Super cool, and Im glad i saw it. The first time in My history that I see a Solar Eclipse. You need to check it out!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all of you Meneses folk throughout the country. Last night, we had a great time at Elvia's house. The tamales were delicious! I'm hoping someone will have pictures to post for you guys and gals on the East Coast and down South. I'm going to link this on Facebook and ask that people post their Christmas Wishes on this page.


This is a test of bloggeroid, and it's ability to share pictures.

Mobile Test

I think one of the major factors contributing to the decline of the blog is that it doesn't lend well to mobile devices. Facebook and Twitter other microblogging services have made it easy to post easily from anywhere, and as quickly and often as desired. I am testing out a blogger app that I can use on my phone, to see if that will actually make the blog convenient for me to use on my phone. This is my first post from Bloggeroid, and it is just a test, feedback is appreciated.

question of the month

I myself have been guilty of neglecting the like to see it return to its glory days.  So my question deals with the life of the blog.  Has facebook killed the blog????? Respond if you still check in from time to time. Merry christmas.
The Raquel Guerrero Meneses
2013 Scholarship

This is the 3rd year we have been able to award a scholarship in honor of our mom/grandmother.  Thank you everyone for your generous contributions.  I was worried for just a moment that we would not meet this year's goals, but then we exceeded them. We were successful in doubling last years amount presenting  Eduardo Cervantes with a $1,000.00 scholarship award.

Eduardo plans to attend Porterville College and then to transfer to Fresno State.  His long term goal is to attain a degree in Criminology and eventualy become a patrol man or officer with the local Police Department.

This years contributors included:
  • Harrison and Maria Favereaux
  • Liz and Larry Pigott
  • Ron Meneses
  • Jim & Caroline Koontz
  • Susan & Elias Arismendez
  • Connie Smith
  • Bonnie Elliot
  • Greg Favereaux 
  • Nathan Grimsley
The total amount collected exceeded our goal by $100 dollars which will be rolled over to next year.  I'm feeling optimistic and would like to challenge everyone to help us award 2 $1,000.00 scholarships for the 2014 awards.

We can do this :)

136 days and counting!

Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know that our wedding is coming up September 7th! Hopefully we'll be seeing you there. Admittedly we're a little behind with getting invitations and that sort of thing out but hopefully it should be no problem. The wedding is going to be in Hollister, CA and outdoor so be aware of that. It might be hot although we're going to do our best to neutralize the heat. There is a block of rooms reserved at Best Western in Hollister and there are several other hotels in the area. I can get a list up if you'd like.
The Raquel Guerrero Meneses Scholarship

It's that time of year again.  With Monache High School students graduating and contemplating their futures we would like to offer those that have first attended Woodville Elementary assistance with their college expenses.

I want to thank those of you that have already made contributions and get your assistance with the selection process.  If I have not already contacted you, please send me your email information and I will be certain to get the student application information to you immediately.

Should you not have donated, it is still not too late to contribute.  Donations can be sent to me directly.

Thank you everyone,

Maria Dolores Guerrero Meneses Favereaux :)

Prediction time?

It's that wonderful time of year, lets hear what you have to say. Giant's fans need not apply...

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all you Meneses family members! Whether you're on Spring break now, or if you are still anxiously awaiting a few days off this weekend, we hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable Easter celebration! Feel free to share pictures or updates of what you will be up to! The Craven family had Spring Break last week and we spent an few fun filled days in Arizona, and we're looking forward to hunting eggs and playing horseshoes on Easter Sunday at our house.

The Big Six O

Celebration Time!!!! That's right, it's THE BIG 60. You are all invited to celebrate a milestone birthday for Elvia Grimsley. We will be having a Breakfast/Brunch Bash on Saturday, February 16, 2013 at Jim and Elvias. The breakfast/brunch will be from 10:00-12:00. Then feel free to hang out and continue the celebration. Hope to see ya'll there!

Holiday Gathering

This year the Grimsleys are extending an invitation to gather at their house Sunday, December 23 at 6:00.
This will be an old fashion potluck due to the fact that Elvia's stove choose the holiday season to quit working and a new one will not arrive until after Christmas.
We will do the traditional video exchange for the adults, but this year there will also be one for the kids.
Also, if you want bring cookies or candy, we will do an exchange.  Bring one and get some.
See you there!!!